Film complet gratuit – Momentum

Un film de toute sa longueur pour ajouter à votre collection de gratuit. Il se nomme Momentum et il est produit par Postland, une gang de riders de la Hollande. Il est d’une durée de 20 minutes. Bonne écoute.

MOMENTUM. Postland’s first full film. Featuring: Bob van Unnik, Cees Wille, Gerben Verweij, Joey van Essen, Kas Lemmens, Wessel van Lierop, and some people we met along the way. This is 20 minutes filled with highlights and downfalls of our last season. I don’t want to bitch about how hard it is to make a snowboard film, but here are some factors: We are from Holland, no mountains, no snow, injuries, travel expenses, etc. We had a lot of fun making this film, though, and are gonna do it again next season. So be aware of a shitstorm of online video’s again coming your way as soon as the snow starts falling. Presented by: SHAPED SNOWBOARDING. Supported by: Forum, Signal, DC, Smokin, Ongetemd. Media: theMustachio. Taste Magazine, Method Magazine



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