Un moment dans la vie de Seb Toots – Vidéo

Sébastien Toutant a fait tout un bout de chemin depuis que vous l’avez connu autour de ses jeunes 13 ans. Alli Sports a produit un vidéo de 9 minutes où vous rentrerez dans la vie de Seb Toutant, y compris chez lui. Avez-vous vu son board de l’an prochain ? Saviez-vous que Seb était un skieur avant ? Tout est là…

Publiée le 9 janv. 2013
Sebastien Toutant, aka Seb Toots, is a Canadian killer on the snow with style that pours from his every trick. As a youth growing up in the Great White, Toots was originally laying edges in the snow on skis until one year when he broke his skis and his parents said his growth spurt was out of control so they weren’t footing the bill for a new pair — that was the year that a hand-me-down snowboard from his older brother changed his world. Ride with Sebastien Toutant at Dew Tour and go inside his home life in this Alli Show.



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