Dillon Ojo signe avec Ride Snowboards

Le rider québécois Dillon Ojo a signé avec la compagnie Ride Snowboard et rejoint ainsi des riders tel Alex Cantin. Il ridera la planche Ride Burnout 152 et la Ride Helix 153 avec des fixations Ride Rodeo.


Today we are proud to welcome Canadian native, Dillon Ojo, to the RIDE Global AM Team. Ojo has proven himself as worthy for the RIDE team through his insatiable appetite for chocolate milk, sub par instagram selfies and a knack for acquitting himself from any wrongdoing with Canadian law enforcement better known as the Mounties. Ojo learned the basics through countless nights riding Ski St. Bruno and went on to take his signature style to the streets of Quebec and eventually the world. With video parts such as his latest in Snowboarder Magazine’s Foreword, it’s evident he’s not pussy footing around. Dillon is here to put a hurting on rail riding all as long as there’s some chocolate milk to fuel the fire.

Welcome to the Family, Ojo.

Ojo has proven himself as worthy for the RIDE team through his insatiable appetite for chocolate milk, sub par instagram selfies and a knack for acquitting himself from any wrong doing.