La marque de bottes, bindings et snowboards, Flow, nous offres leur tout nouveau film Was Here en version complète et gratuitement sur le web. D’une durée de 30 minutes, vous y verrez de gros noms de riders international en action partout dans le monde. Bonne écoute.
‘WAS HERE’ follows the Flow Snowboarding Team on a worldwide seek-and-destroy mission. While no stranger to the global contest podium, the Flow team now taps into their alter ego to bring you some of the year’s heaviest riding, throwing down in the streets and leaving lines in the backcountry. ‘WAS HERE’ features Scotty Lago, Tim Humphreys, Scot Brown, Mike Basich, Sarka Pan- cochova, Jeremy Thompson, Brandon Reis, Nial Romanek, Ian Thorley, Andre Kuhlmann and Shane Fortier. The movie is filmed on location in Alaska, Austria, California, Canada, Colorado, Germany, Idaho, Japan, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Nevada, New Hamp- shire, New York, and Oregon.