LNP live sur Facebook

Ce vendredi 16 août, notre jibber barbu québécois, Laurent-Nicolas Paquin, alias LNP, sera branché sur le Facebook de son commanditaire Rome Snowboard et sera disposé à répondre à vos questions. Avis aux fans! C’est à 16h00 sur ce lien.


Ask the Rider: Live with LNP!

Ask the Rider, live on Facebook! We decided to let LNP take the reigns of our Facebook page to answer any and all questions you may have for him.

It’s simple. We’ll post up a photo at 4PM EST this Friday, August 16th on the Rome Facebook. You’ll be able to leave your questions in the comment section under the photo and Laurent will answer you back as quick as he can. On Monday we’ll also go through the comments and randomly select a lucky commenter to win a brand new pair of 2014 LNP Mob Boss bindings.

Envie de lire les questions et réponses de ce moment, les revoici :

Ozzy Henning LNP About how many frontside 5-0 grinds do you do in one day?

3 · 17:37

Rome Snowboards I’ve been doing mad frontside feebles these days man!
1 · 17:39

Ozzy Henning damn thats heavy. white america!

2 · 17:40

Jacob Mercer Has your beard ever dreaded itself with ice? Cause my mullet would hang out my hood and dread up all the time.


Rome Snowboards all the times

Kamyar Saremi What’s your main source of inspiration? Music? Friends? Shred edits?…

1 · 17:25

Rome Snowboards Friends. and riders that I like. Also for setups or trick I check skateboarding a lot! try to get some in there in the street
1 · 17:27

Nathaniel Alexander Joesph Kraus Favorite pure pow board? Location of most epic power day?


Rome Snowboards I probably ride a artifact 156. It was in vermont when I was newly on the team probably killington we jumped some rope and all got kicked out. We’re talking all the reps riders and people that works at rome..hahaha
1 · 17:27

Bryce Burton Sick the shred remains was such a sick movie i stayed up late waiting for it to come out

1 · 17:16

Rome Snowboards fuck yeah thanks man!

Matty Paquette What do you think of the increased focus on backcountry riding? Do you believe the whole “it’s snowboarding returning to its core values” deal?


Rome Snowboards I think backcountry is sick. I wish I had the balls to do it. Bjorn slays it. I feel like if you look at the birth of snowboarding it had everything. jibs and backcountry and park.
2 · 17:09

Konstantin Ellingsbrg Hlmers what do you think about the direction the sport is going? I mean like everything people focus on is triple corks…?

18 août, à 04:05

Jacob Mercer Ahh! What’s the jankiest most fucked up street spot you’ve ever hit lol


Rome Snowboards That gap to ledge in The Shred Remains. It just sucked and was completly insane to even want to try

Jacob Mercer I knew it! Fuck that business!


Mathieu Decouttere just come to belgium and get drunk here. the beer is much better. and my question is: what’s your favorite song/artist at the moment?

(mine is still black sabbath – paranoid)

1 · 16:36

Rome Snowboards Sabbath is always 1st. Sabbath is-Children of the grave or snowblind VOL4 all day. These day I listen to old NOFX-White bread album Maximum Rock n’roll.
1 · 16:45

Jacob Mercer Laurent! I’ve been riding a garage rocker for a little over a season and having alot of fun with it. Hows your experience been riding for them, and how did you celebrate when you were added to the team!

1 · 16:32

Rome Snowboards I couldn’t believe it. Josh Ried Emailed me and told me I was on the team. Then I got an ad. I’m sure I got drunk haha
1 · 16:39

Jacob Mercer I’m sure it was probably a grand’ole time! Still so many questions I’d like to ask lol


Greig Roy Cheers’


Rome Snowboards Cheers!

Roger Sirard What’s the best spot you’ve ever been to for backcountry riding?


Rome Snowboards Whistler is insane and Colorado
1 · 16:40

Fred Albert best spot a rider au quebec


Rome Snowboards Le Relais for mountain and the battefield rail is legendary
1 · 16:39

Aurelio Moffa if you were on the best run of your life andd happened to pass by a snow bunny of all snowbunnies would you stop or keep riding??

1 · 16:27

Rome Snowboards I have a girlfriend so I would probably slash her!
6 · 16:33

Sean Dulina If ur gettin rad and no1 is around to see it are you still getting rad??

1 · 16:26

Rome Snowboards Solo rad is crazy. I do it sometimes. That means if you fuck up your alone in pain hahaha…solo rad is rad
2 · 16:35

Greig Roy What’s the lowest point that made you consider what your doing? And how has this now helped you keep going, deep question sorry ‘


Rome Snowboards When I broke my back. It’s pretty scary! It’s a passion I wouldn’t be able to not do it 100%, you know, like do it safely wouldn’t do it for me
2 · 16:29

Aiden James Carter Hey man can you give my crew Names Are Names your vote in the local gnar comp? It’s my 18th birthday!


Rome Snowboards I can’t do that G. But I did watch the Edit and it was sick. Better song next time though…punk or metal haha
2 · 16:30

Eric Hilker How often do you feed your beard?

1 · 16:25

Rome Snowboards It feeds itsefl!
2 · 16:30

Nick Bartram How difficult is it to maintain the beard?


Rome Snowboards Pretty easy, just trim it sometimes..Kinda messy when eating but whatever!
1 · 16:24

Ian Marcel Barcia hey LNP noticed that you ozzy and riley all ride with stance angles under 10 degrees. what does that do does it help ur riding why the small degree. i was considering it


Rome Snowboards I think it feels more natural. It’s pretty personal. feels more like when I skate!
1 · 17:40

Kai Potter How long have you been snowboarding and how long have you been on the rome sds team


Rome Snowboards 17 years of snowboarding and 7 years on the team

Leroy Dill-Hall whats your favorite kind of snow to ride?


Rome Snowboards Spring slush
2 · 17:34

Dylan Ott How much hair is clogging your tub?


Rome Snowboards Not much these days since I cut my hair!

Nicole Elizabeth Trombetta Can you truly tell the difference between fear and adrenaline?


Rome Snowboards Yes, adrenaline will keep me going, fear will stop me from trying
1 · 17:29

Bryce Burton What was your favourite part about the shred remains


Rome Snowboards Make it it was fun as hell

Michael Caleb Mairs have you ever fallen asleep in the snow naked as the day you were born?


Rome Snowboards Multiple times

Ian Marcel Barcia do you ever ride the the 390s as bindings and what do you like about the new mobs?


Rome Snowboards Yes I rode the 390 for e few years. ALL PLASTIC is what I love aboit the mob boss. Flexible and light!
3 · 17:24

Kamyar Saremi Where can we check out your latest video part?


Rome Snowboards Boardshop or Itunes

Bryce Burton Does the beard keep you worm or do you ware a scarf


Rome Snowboards Beard gets pretty icy but yes it keeps me warm
2 · 17:23

Kai Potter Have you ever done any big tours out in B.C. my fav place to shred


Rome Snowboards I’ve lived in Whislter for 2 years

Sean O’Donovan What’s your favorite size board


Rome Snowboards 147

Phil Likins Ever been to Las Vegas? Did you know we have a hill here?


Rome Snowboards I,ve been in the summer. I heard about it! that,s sick

Phil Likins I call it a hill because it isn’t close to being a mountain, but the park builders there are awesome for what they can do with what little we have!


Ian Marcel Barcia hey LNP what size board do you ride and what stance width and angle?


Rome Snowboards 147 or 145, 21″ wide 6 -6

Steve James Sex before game day. For or against?


Rome Snowboards For. I don’t beleive in the boxer bullshit thing hahaha
2 · 17:18

Bryce Burton Curently im riding a shank with targas i thought the targas were for the park… I was way rong


Rome Snowboards There are stiff a bit. still sick ass binders

Bryce Burton Thats pretty solid it sounds like you like the park


Rome Snowboards I do!

Hunter Garland Is Herpday after Derpday?


Rome Snowboards Its right after Werpday

Jake Hensley We got a couple good spots in the Cleveland/Akron area http://vimeo.com/m/46451304 most of the spots in this teaser are from the area


Rome Snowboards I’M watching it as soon as the answering question is done

Rome Snowboards cheers

Dale Coulombe LNP, what originally got you into snowboarding? Do you still feel the same about it now as you did when you started riding that first season? And so far in you life of shredding the Gnar is your favourite memory, and why? (I know that’s three questions, but they are must ask questions!)


Rome Snowboards My dad bought me my 1st snowboard so he got me in there. It changes when it becomes some sort of work, It’s fun but you have to work I want people to be hyped on my parts and shit you know. I remeber the ”the shred remains” 3 weeks in a van premier tour. thats was just insane. I have the VAN LIFE tattoo on my leg to prove it
2 · 17:15

Bryce Burton Ok what is your favorite set up so far this year


Rome Snowboards 147 artifact, Mob Boss size M with small toe straps, Libertine boots size 8.5 with 3 years old liners.

Jack Isherwood If you mated a bulldog with a shitzu would you produce a bullshit?


Rome Snowboards Yes you would or you could also end up with a Dogzu but you do not want those
1 · 17:09

Dillon Kohagen What is your favorite state to ride? Coming from CO! I need bindings!


Rome Snowboards hahaha. I don’t know. Minnessota rules
2 · 17:10

John Audia When are we Riding together mannn!?


Rome Snowboards I don’t know man! Can you keep up? hah
2 · 17:06

Derek Paterson favourite east coast resorts dude!


Rome Snowboards Le Relais or Killington

Jake Hensley Have you ever hit street in Ohio?


Rome Snowboards No. is it good?

Stephan Torres Will you guys shred a few laps at killington this year? If so when?


Rome Snowboards I’d like to. I,m sure will annouce it so you can come with your friends and some beers..bbq in the parking lot
1 · 17:05

Philippe Saulnier skateboard or snowboard!? if you had to chose!!


Rome Snowboards Damn. Skateboarding I think hahah. Real hard choice there bud. I’m glad I will never have to choose
2 · 17:03

Philippe Saulnier haha the hardest!!I love both too i dk wich one i love the most !


Nicholas Miller Have you ridden Jay Peak In vt? what do you think of its?


Rome Snowboards Not sure, I don’t think so

Nicholas Miller Worth the trip to freeride for Sure!!


Matt Hodgins LNP, Just copped a Rome Artifact. Ever have any plans on hitting up Southern Ontario (Peterborough)? Many pros come through town, but never any of my favourite rome riders! Oh, and Bring Ozzy Henning with you! Hes’s a G!


Rome Snowboards Ozzy Henning is insane, coolest dude. I’d like too. We’ll see, I heard good shit about Peterborough
2 · 17:01

Brelon May Do you listen to music when you ride? If so what?


Rome Snowboards No really, going there in the car yes. Sabbath, Witch, Metallica, Minor Threat NOFX Bad Brains, Witchfinder General, Witchcraft, Graveyard

Garrett Pilgrim Advice for people wanting to be sponsors


Rome Snowboards Keep do it. Film some shit with your friend and make a little edit
1 · 16:57

Garrett Pilgrim How did you get sponsored?


Rome Snowboards I talked with the rep. did some contests
1 · 16:57

Seth Reidy does being pro ever make the shred feel like work?…. i mean there has to be a different feel to freeriding compared to trying to get a shot…do you ever get sick of filming?…i think that was more than 1 question…


Rome Snowboards Yes, it does sometimes. Whenever it happens I take a breath and tell myself it’s only snowboarding. But I like to have stuff clean so I do work for every shot.

Seth Reidy thanks for your time bro, long live beards….and valient thor!


John Audia What has been you’re worst, most painful bail and where were you?


Rome Snowboards Broken back

Rome Snowboards Colorado

Aaron Fraher when r you getting a sabbath tattoo


Rome Snowboards I do have one. My friend did it on the side of my knee it was is first ever so it a little faded.

Eric Halverson What’s your biggest pet peeve in snowboarding right now?


Rome Snowboards Lip trick, lik switch lip 270 or lip 270 fucking scare the shit out of me

Phil Likins Have you ever had your beard on fire like Bill Ward?


Rome Snowboards No, but that story is fucking funny

Grant Cimperman Whose your favorite person to ride with?


Rome Snowboards Jake OE
1 · 16:52

Scott Denney Do you believe in Rocker?


Rome Snowboards Not really, I think it’s personal. I’m a camber guy

Scott Denney I agree to a point. But how many groms do you see that learned on rocker transitioning to camber? I think it goes to your own roots in the sport as much as personal preference.


Ffej Malin Who is your favorite person or persons to ride with?


Rome Snowboards Jake OE, Louif, Frank April, Will Lavigne
1 · 16:53

Calvin Nassif LNP!
T’as tu deja ridé des setups a TR, si oui, lesquels t’as préférés?

Rome Snowboards Jamais été rider a TR jpense

Alex Moran Hoping I’ll win these for my new rome board!


Rome Snowboards Good Luck

Steve Gould So untypical


Rome Snowboards cool

Tessa Kramer What do you think of the land with no hills? ( aka the Netherlands)


Rome Snowboards Never been, So mysterious for me

Alex Moran What’s the first snowboard you ever had


Rome Snowboards Option NFA

Jack Isherwood What colour is a mirror?


Rome Snowboards Mirror

Alex Moran What is the first snowboard you ever had


Rome Snowboards Option NFA

Jack Isherwood Why is a carrot more orange, than an orange?


Rome Snowboards You tell me

Steve Gould Laurent did you ever think you’ll be a dad and will you go to your kids little league games


Rome Snowboards I’d like to be a dad. I will probably coach!
1 · 16:41

Isak Massman How many boards would you estimate you have broken?


Rome Snowboards since I’ve started at rome 10 maybe!
1 · 16:41

Michael Flecha Whats the meaning of life?


Rome Snowboards too hard
1 · 16:42

Jeremy Fancelli Top 5 songs to have on your shred playlist?


Rome Snowboards Black Sabbath- Children of the grave, Witch-Seer, Metallica-Creaping death, NOFX-White Bread, Adolescents-Rip it up

Phil Likins For riding overall: Canada or USA?


Rome Snowboards Canada as some goldmine for rails
1 · 16:45

Drew Kennedy What’s your favorite Sabbath album and why?


Rome Snowboards VOL4. Its the best. Songs are insane
1 · 16:46

Rome Snowboards Yo dude. You’re the winner of the bindings! Shoot us over your info in a FB message and we’ll get you all taken care of.
19 août, à 15:14

Drew Kennedy Awesome!!!!! I’ll message you now!

19 août, à 16:08

Nicholas Miller what in your mind is the best thin g about riding for Rome? Mine would be Made in VT!


Rome Snowboards VT is a good reason. I met everybody and the whole company is insane…everybody is fun to be whit. They drink a lot hahaha
1 · 16:47

Kristen Condit Guilty pleasures?


Rome Snowboards Miss Vicky’s swiss roll. I eat the whole box on one sitting
2 · 16:47

Alex Moran What was the first snowboard you ever had?


Rome Snowboards Option NFA with the little city underneath it was purple

Corbin Dowd Do you like the new Sabbath album? THOSE RIFFS!


Rome Snowboards Riffs are insane, I gotta say that Ozzy’s voice is pretty loud so I feels like an Ozzy album but with better riffs. They did a good job but they will Never beat themself as young Lads!

Josh Young What is your passion? and how do you keep it going?


Rome Snowboards Snowboarding and Skateboarding. I just do it like I wanna do it and don’t care about whats around it.

Rome Snowboards I have a girlfriend so I would probably slash her!

Rome Snowboards oops sorry

Josh Young its all good, thanks for the reply! have a dope day


Hunter Garland What was the hardest trick for you to learn and most satisfying to land?


Rome Snowboards BS 270 are a bitch for me or switch 180 nosepress. Both insanely staisfying to land
2 · 16:34

Rowan Madden Are you human? or just some insane wild jibbin’ man-bear pig type creature?


Rome Snowboards 100% Human!
1 · 16:34

Aaron Lozzi What is your favorite rail and jump trick?


Rome Snowboards Bs Lip and bs 360 tail grab

Samantha Luegger Where do u see yourself going from here with snow & skate? Goals/dreams?


Rome Snowboards I gettins old. I think I’d like to own a skat/snowboard shop maybe. Set skateboard and snowboard for people. I’d like to have a super core shop. I think it’s kinda my dream these days
1 · 16:36

Val Miller What got you into the sport of snowboarding?


Rome Snowboards My Dad. Bought my fist snowboard when I was 10. He’s my number one fan. He’s the shit
1 · 16:37

Noah Frei what is the longest distance youve ever launched yourself?


Rome Snowboards Man, maybe like a 75 footer. Superpark 5 years agohah
1 · 16:37

Noah Frei damn lol


Phil Likins How do you keep busy in the off seson?


Rome Snowboards Skateboarding everyday and BBQ. Beers and friends. Also my girl and my dogs

Cameron Burton Where is your all time favorite street spot?


Rome Snowboards Fuck that’s a hard one. Probably the battefield rail in quebec

Grant Cimperman What was your favorite movie to star in and why?


Rome Snowboards Any Means or 1st Videograss. Any Means cause it was my first USA big part. VG cause it was the 1st and it was trashy and Punk as fuck. But the DEJA VU project is also pretty crazy cause its all my friend for when I was young

Andrejs Clements Whats the most sore your balls have been from those skinny jean snowpants?


Rome Snowboards The Skinny jeans is no affecting the balls at all. Not even a little
3 · 16:27

Catherine Zbirun Jarvis What has been the best hill/mountain you’ve ridden on and why?


Rome Snowboards Gotta say Highland in Minnesotta. Shout Out to the 1817 dudes! Rope Tow for life
3 · 16:28

Christopher Frost Hell yeah


Hunter Garland What do you think the future holds for snowboarding as a sport?


Rome Snowboards Hard to tell. Some people keep it core and there is energy drinks Xgames and al the other bullshit..So Hopefully not gonna become a TV sport!
1 · 16:21

Grant Cimperman What’s the worst slam you’ve ever had?


Rome Snowboards Overshot a Jump and compress and fracture my L1 vertebrate

Hunter Garland What is your favorite color?


Rome Snowboards I’m guessing black. I’m down for neon Orange!
1 · 16:19

Dirt Diggler When are the rome boys comin to pennsylvania to rip hot laps n drink parkin lot beers!? Aaand how many skiiers would you say you’ve sprayed in your time?

1 · 17:28

Rome Snowboards I have a low 15 sprayed skiers. We’ll try to make it there if you guys buy the beers
1 · 17:30

Dirt Diggler Whyd u cut your hair n how bad does headbanging suck without it?


Rome Snowboards hahaha, It was 7 year, I wouldn’t ride with them loose. I don’t know I was over it. Head banging is different but still fun.
1 · 16:49

Trevor McDonald Do you ever trim the beard??


Rome Snowboards Sometimes, It need a trim at some point. I’m trying to find a legit barber next time..OLdschool dude!

James Allen Davis Laurent, when you came out with that video part last season, did you intentionally mean to look like an Amish priest? (the one where you’re wearing all black & the black hat to) If not, what did that look represent to you?


Rome Snowboards hahah I wasn’t try but I got that a lot. Didn’t meant to anger the amish god
1 · 16:56

James Allen Davis I don’t think you “angered” Him, but it did make me laugh…,

1 · 16:57